Tuesday, December 2, 2008


With a persuasive speech due in class on Friday, much of this week has been devoted to finalizing a topic and starting research. I had chosen a topic a week ago, but as much as I tried to research it I just wasn't finding enough for a whole speech. Unfortunately I stuck with the topic for way too long; it was just tonight that I decided to ditch it and start all over.

So I spent a good 40 minutes pacing the living room, trying to find a new topic- one that was do-able and quick. (giggle if you must) Nothing. I tried bouncing a ball off the wall, Gregory House-style, but still nothing. Maybe I need a cane. It didn't matter anyway because my time was up- I had to go pick my roommate up from work.

In the car on the way home I ranted a bit about my dilemma. He tried to think of a couple of things too but in the end agreed that the whole deal sucked. He started talking about work a bit, and right before I turned onto my street, it hit me. I had chosen my topic.

Here's my question: what is that??? What is it about our brains that lets us organize and even analyze information when we're not really focusing on it? It's amazing and it's a great feeling, but I'm always mystified by it.

Have you had any of these "Eureka!" moments? How did it happen?


Deborah said...

And the topic is...

Trisha said...

My Eureka Moment from the Past Week: Wondering how in the world I'm going to get all of the end of the semester hullaboo done. Eureka! Stop sleeping.

Okay, not what you were going for, but it's all that's on my mind these days. :)

Paul Richardson said...

I'm sure there is some book from academia out there that answers your question in more detail than you'd care to hear.

I do not know the name of that book, however.